A Voice for Change in Dallas

Bridging Gaps, Empowering Communities

I’m Rodney LaBruce, running for Texas's 30th Congressional District. My commitment is to address the real challenges families face with integrity and transparency. I’m focused on bridging the gap between the wealthy and the rest of us, bringing meaningful change, and ensuring every voice is heard.

Community-focused Candidate

As I step forward to run for Congress in District 30, I bring with me a deep commitment to our community and a clear vision for a brighter future. My journey has been shaped by a lifetime of service, both as a pastor and as a dedicated member of our community. For years, I focused on building a career and raising ...

Zero Tolerance for Poverty

One of the core principles of my campaign is a Zero Tolerance for Poverty. This is not just a slogan—it’s a fundamental commitment to address and eliminate the root causes of poverty in our district. I’ve seen firsthand how poverty affects every aspect of life, from health and education to safety and opportunity. ...

A New Chapter of Service: Why Now is the Time

I understand that some of you may wonder why, at 51 years old, I’m stepping forward now to become actively involved in our community. The truth is, life is a journey, and each of us has our own path and timing for making a difference.

Life's Commitments and Responsibilities

For much of my life, like many of you, I was focused on the responsibilities of building a career, raising a family, and ensuring that my loved ones were taken care of. In addition to that, I’ve been a pastor for fifteen years where I continue to serve the community. These commitments required my full attention and energy, leaving little room for anything else.

Gaining Experience and Perspective

Over the years, I’ve accumulated valuable life and professional experiences that have given me a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities we face. I’ve learned the importance of resilience, hard work, and dedication. Now, I’m ready to apply these lessons to serve our community.

A Catalyst for Change

Recently, I’ve seen the growing needs and concerns in our district, and I’ve felt a strong calling to step up and help. The increasing gap between the wealthy and the rest of us, the need for better healthcare, affordable housing, and improved education—these issues have inspired me to take action. Sometimes, it takes a significant moment or realization to ignite the desire to serve, and for me, that moment is now.

Why Now?

I believe that my accumulated knowledge, skills, and maturity make me exceptionally well-suited to address our community’s needs effectively. I’m not here for a career in politics; I have a career. I’m here because I genuinely care about making a positive impact. My life experiences have prepared me to tackle these challenges head-on with the dedication and passion, and integrity they deserve.

A Fresh Perspective

Entering this journey later in life means I bring a fresh perspective, unburdened by the traditional political paths that many follow. I have no longstanding political debts or entanglements. My focus is solely on serving you and addressing our district’s issues with honesty and transparency.

Commitment to Action

I am fully committed to this new chapter of service. I’m here to listen, learn, and work tirelessly for the betterment of our community. Together, we can bring about the change we need and the change you deserve.

Thank you for your trust and support. Let’s make a difference together. I can’t do it without you!

Support the Cause

Your contribution makes a difference. By donating, you’re helping to fuel a campaign dedicated to ending poverty, ensuring affordable housing, and empowering our community. Together, we can bring real change to District 30.

My Mission, Your Future

Dive into the core objectives of my campaign. Understand how I’m working to create lasting change in your community.

Your Voice Matters

I’m here to listen and to serve. Reach out to me with your questions, concerns, or ideas. Together, we can make a difference in District 30.